Patrick Danahey

Member Interview with John Lewis

  • Posted 7 years ago
  • Members

What is your sign?

Taurus? Yes , I am stubborn which makes me a great entrepreneur!


Favorite Movies?

The Matrix Trilogy

Black Panther


What books have you read that change your life?

Natalie Goldbergs: Long Quiet Highway

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Gary Zuckoff: The Seat of the Soul


What would you R3set?

“The ideology that we have to go back to is old African principles. In order to heal our nation,  we have to reinsert African American history, because these values/principles have been removed from society, yet they will help society move more holistically and heal. ”


Crazy Indulgences

Dulce De Leche ice cream

Politics , I love my Rachel Maddow and Visual Politks

Black Ancient Civilization and History


Secret Obsessions

History Channel’s Ancient Aliens  



What are some of your most Memorable R3set Moments?

As an Artist

Reading Poetry with the  late pulitzer prize winning Gwendolyn Brooks

In Business

The moment I became an entrepreneur and I got my first check from a customer. It change my world.


Coming out as a “same gender loving man” it was the moment I experience true personal liberation.


What do you bring to the R3set Movement?

I have over 30 years of expertise in developing companies through critical start-up or turnaround situations, while coordinating rapid-growth market expansions.

I am a master creator and initiator of goodwill by effectively communicating “value added opportunities” that generate mutual investment buy-in for all community stakeholders’ i.e.strategic partners, organizational affiliates, community/special interest groups, and corporate partners.



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We connect purpose-driven entrepreneurs with customers who share their values with modern marketing and storytelling.


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